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Helping Loved Ones Lose Weight

We want the people we love to be happy. So, when we learn that being overweight is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and is associated with poor mental health and a reduced quality of life, it’s no wonder that you might feel motivated to help your loved ones lose weight. But weight is an extremely delicate conversation. You may be worried about hurting their feelings or putting strain on your relationship. To help you out, here are a few ideas to guide you as you help your loved ones lose weight.

Make sure THEY want to lose weight.

You can’t make any person do anything they don’t want to do. If your loved one hasn’t

already decided that they want to lose weight, don’t push them to do so. Be patient and listen for cues - for example, wait until you hear them start talking about a new diet or workout program, or until they let you know that they have a desire to lose weight or be healthy.

Offer to be a part of their program.

When you learn your loved one wants to lose weight, offer to join in on healthy eating or

working out. The lifestyle changes will seem less daunting when they aren’t doing it alone.

Be a cheerleader, not a coach.

Your loved one will have negativity all around them, screaming at them to quit. What they

need from you more than anything is positive affirmations. Give them hope and

encouragement, reminding them of their accomplishments when they slip up and

empowering them through difficult days.

Listen, but don’t judge.

Take the time to ask your loved one about their progress, then sit back and listen. If they

mess up, or if they’re having a hard time, don’t try to tell them what to do differently unless

they seem to be ready for a troubleshooting conversation. Instead, give them a hug,

acknowledge that they are doing a very hard thing, and encourage them with reminders of

their past successes.

Care about the person more than the diet.

Find ways to show your loved one that you care about them as a person more than you care

about their diet. Make sure you’re not revolving all of your conversations and interactions

around their diet plan. Let them see that you care about every part of their life, not just their

weight problems.

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